We are open from 9am-4pm Monday through Sunday.

Our Museum will be CLOSED begining January 27, 2025, until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience, please call Tourism at 505-455-4151 or 505-692-5580 or 505-231-6814  if you have questions.


Welcome to the Pueblo de San Ildefonso
 “San Ill-day-fon-so”
 Po-Woh-Geh-Owingeh  “Where the water cuts through”


The Pueblo de San Ildefonso history dates back to 1300 A.D. when the people from Bandelier moved down to the current location next to the Rio Grande. Before this, they had come from Mesa Verde in Southern Colorado.

Today the Pueblo consists of over 39,000 acres and has an enrollment of approximately 750 people. We are located north of Santa Fe, off State Road 502 and east of Los Alamos, along the Rio Grande Valley.

On January 23rd, beginning at dawn, the People of San Ildefonso celebrate their annual feast day with traditional dances, Deer and Comanche dances.  There is Mass celebrated on this day. These dances, vespers and Mass blend the native practices with the feast day of the saint Ildefonso.

Our Pueblo is known for its traditional black on black pottery a highly polished finish and black matte design, as well as red and polychrome pottery. There are also painters, jewelry makers, weavers, carvers, seamstresses, and moccasin makers here at the Pueblo.


Council Meetings

Are on the community calendar in the Community Section of this website.

Council and working session Meetings are now in person.


December 2023

All bulletins are in the COMMUNITY section of this website.

Special Notices

Public Notice.3.2023 that EO.7.11.2022 expires March 31 2023

EO.7.11.2022 (Emergency Order Revised)

Povi Kaa Open

For other Notices See Important Notices or go to Community Section


Please see the Jobs/RFP section of the website for the latest listings of Jobs and Request for Proposals (RFPs).