Healthy Kids, Health Communities Initiative Coordinator:
BeNita Martinez
(505) 637-1432 (cell)
(505) 455-2395 (Office)
Healthy Kids, Health Communities Initiative
The Pueblo de San Ildefonso’s Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities (HKHC) Initiative is a program in the Health and Human Services Division and is part of a larger team in the Pueblo that makes sure the community has accessible education sessions to help with their overall health. The HKHC Initiative promotes community health by implementing alcohol, drug, and tobacco prevention programs focusing on youth. The HKHC initiative office is a leader the community’s health council initiatives.
The Pueblo de San Ildefonso’s Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Initiative works hard to provide the children, families and community of Pueblo de San Ildefonso with preventive education in Diabetes and Obesity. The focus of the HKHC initiative is to advance policy, systems, and environmental change strategies in Pueblo de San Ildefonso that increase children and family opportunities for healthy eating and active living where they live, learn, play, work, eat, and shop. Healthy eating and active living are two lifestyle behavior choices that help prevent obesity.
The Pueblo de San Ildefonso’s HKHC Initiative promotes a walkable, bike-able community and incorporates community programs and preventive education classes with activities such as:
- Safe Routes to School “Walking Wednesdays”
- Hands on cooking classes with the children and their families’ community learning
- Yearly Youth, Family and Community conferences that promote physical activity.
“This program is funded by the New Mexico Department of Health’s (DOH) Obesity, Nutrition and Physical Activity Program (ONAPA) who is gratefully recognized.”,