Review and Oversight
Document Review
Provide comments representing San Ildefonso concerns, and perspective to DOE, LNAL, EPA, NMED, and various other agencies
- Annual Environmental Surveillance Report
- Environmental Assessments
- Environmental Impact Statements
- DOE Surplus Plutonium
- Findings of No Significant Impact
- Hazardous Waste
- Air
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Risk Based End States
- Long Term Stewardship
Technical Review/Oversight
Technical expertise enhances the quality of planning, data gathering and data analysis. It allows Community concerns and questions to be addressed with a high degree of expertise. ITRC enhances technical review abilities by providing training and interaction with national experts in many environmental disciplines
- Tribal Risk Assessment
- Water Quality
- Database
- Laboratory Analysis
- Grants
Data Review
Community Outreach
- Metals and Radionuclides Team
- Stakeholders Team
- Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Team
Air Quality
LANL Maintains:
- 2 AIRNET Stations
- 3 Thermo Luminescent Dosimeters (TLDs)
- Tribe provides radon testing
Monitors LANL onsite emissions
Conducted Emissions Inventory in 2008

Environmental Sampling
- Samples collected / field data recorded (San I APP)
- Chain of Custody (COC) to LANL SMO
- Samples shipped to GEL analytical laboratory
- Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) sent to DECP
- Quality assured through DECP staff and AQA
- Data is downloaded into DECP database available through a customized web application
- Used to determine future sampling
- Data Results
Water Quality
Monthly Physiochemical Parameters
Physiochemical Parameters are Oxygen, ph etc. We monitor them is because these parameters are used by the NMED to define designated use attainment.
- YSI Professional Plus / HACH 2100Q Turbidmeter
- Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L / % sat.)
- Temperature
- Conductivity
- Oxidation/Reduction Potential (ORP)
- pH
- Turbidity
Tribal Designated Uses
Tribal Designated Uses are the uses of water resources on the Pueblo which we wish to ensure continuation without degradation. They are assigned separately for each waterbody monitored. These uses are assigned by the Pueblo, but utilize defined parameters as described in NMAC 20.6.4. These defined parameters act as screening levels for each monitored waterbody based on assigned designated uses.
- Annual Use Attainability Analysis (UAA)
- 14 locations (perennial / ephemeral streams, ponds, springs)
- Compared to New Mexico Environment Department Standards
- Data uploaded to EPA STORET