DECP Cultural Resources Program and Risk Assessment

Cultural Resources Program


Responsibilities of the Cultural Resources Program

Cultural Resources Advisor

Incorporates proprietary information regarding traditional practices for the Tribal Risk Assessment

Ensures preservation of historic sites both on and off the Pueblo

Emphasis on LANL activities that affect historic and cultural sites

Monitor and assist DOE and LANL with new archaeological findings

Identify discoveries of ancient remains or items of cultural sensitivity

Categorize all Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) within the DOE/LANL boundary

Risk Assessment

Tribal Risk Assessment

Tribal members are affected in more ways then what traditional TRA take into account. A Pueblo TRA has to take into account not only the physical pathways but also the mental/spiritual  aspects of what can happen when affected or exposed.

Natural Resources Damages Assessment (NRDA)

Define the amount of money or the type and scope of actions needed to restore, replace, or acquire the equivalent of injured natural resources

Process must consider all lost natural resource services due to the presence of contaminants that impact the Pueblo

The NRDA process considers injury determination and quantification

Industrial Economics Corp. was contracted to manage and develop

DOE is both funding the NRDA and is a Trustee

The NRDA will be a multi-year project, and is a highly technical process

The Pueblo must participate without violating confidentiality concerns

Pueblo must determine what type of restoration actions it desires

LANL operations have resulted in the release of hazardous substances to the environment. Trustees act on behalf of the affected parties and the public to plan and implement actions to restore these damages

The NRDA process started with the 2010 “Preassessment Screen,” i.e., the “Plan”

The Trustees include: DOE; State of NM; San Ildefonso; Santa Clara; Jemez; USDA Forest Service; DOI—BIA.