San Ildefonso COVID-19 Response Team
There is nothing more important to us than the health and safety of the entire Pueblo de San Ildefonso community. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken action to keep our community members and employees, safe while minimizing the impact on the operations of the tribal administration.
Pueblo de San Ildefonso’s COVID-19 Response Team meets regularly to monitor developments and closely follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health organizations’ guidance, specifically in partnership with the Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center (AASTEC).
Our response plan includes, but is not limited to:
·Tracking the daily health status of Pueblo de San Ildefonso employees and contractors where permissible;
·Providing guidance to the Pueblo’s Governor and the Pueblo’s Tribal Administration;
·Establishing personal protective equipment protocols and role-specific protocols for employees and community gatherings, in line with the Pueblo’s public health Executive Order;
·Training employees on Pueblo safety protocols;
·Educating the community and Pueblo employees on the benefits of being vaccinated;
·Instituting a comprehensive COVID-19 surveillance testing and screening process;
·Conducting thorough contact tracing; and
·Ensuring protocols are followed before an employee may return to work after illness or after out-of-state travel.
Pueblo de San Ildefonso
COVID Response Team Members
Director of Health and Human Services
Office: (505) 455-4154
Cell: (505) 692-5943
Thelma Gonzales
CHR Manager
Office: (505) 455-4114
Cell: (505) 690-1024
Raelene Martinez
Diabetes Prevention Program Assistant
Office: (505) 455-7395
Cell: (505) 660-8927
Claudia Lente
CHR Generalist
Office: (505) 455-4115
Cell: (505) 231-9401