Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO)

Tribal Historic Preservation Office and the Responsibilities of the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer

The mission of the Tribal Historic Preservation Office at the Pueblo de San Ildefonso is to ensure the continuing protection, preservation, restoration, and enhancement of our culture, our traditions, and way of life for future generations. In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) is the designated official managing the Tribal Historic Preservation Office of a federally recognized Sovereign Nation.

The THPO is responsible for the administration of any or all the functions or duties of a State’s Historic Preservation Office with respect to Tribal lands of their Sovereign Nation. The THPO works directly with the Pueblos’ traditional cultural authorities through membership on its THPO Advisory Board which provides guidance.  The THPO serves the Pueblo to protect and identify Ancestral places and spaces in ways that conform to Tribal values.  These functions can include identifying and nominating historically significant places to the National Register of Historic Places, enforcing Tribal and Federal preservation laws, preserving traditional cultural properties, and developing community outreach programs among other duties. Furthermore, a THPO and staff provide the People they work with and for an avenue for consulting Federal and State agencies regarding impacts to Ancestral sites on all traditional land, both on and off the Pueblo de San Ildefonso.


Please visit the Pueblo de San Ildefonso Law Library for Tribal Code – Chapter 23.1

Enabling Act for Cultural Resources for more details:



Tribal Historic Preservation Officer

Bruce Bernstein 

Pueblo de San Ildefonso

02 Tunyo Po

Santa Fe, NM 87506

505-455-4148 (Office)

505-231-6375 (Cell)




Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer

Joseph R. Aguilar

Pueblo de San Ildefonso

02 Tunyo Po

Santa Fe, NM 87506